Global Certification

A certified pathway through which organisations make a commitment to plan, implement and verify their progress to becoming a 24/7 Sustainable Energy prosumer and a sustainable asset on the energy network


A partnership bringing Carbon-Free Energy to life

The Sustainable Energy Commitment holds a strong partnership with the United Nations 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy Compact and continues to work closely with them on accelerating the international adoption of Sustainable Energy at both a government and business level.

The 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy Compact is a global community that:

  • Works together to accelerate the decarbonisation of electricity systems
  • Builds the technologies, policies, tools, ideas and advocacy needed to create a future where all electricity demand worldwide is met with Carbon-Free Energy sources
  • Provides the support, tools, and partners that organisations need to make this mission a reality.

A global certification toward sustainable energy
  • Active regions
  • Expansion regions


Global energy markets and in particular electricity grid emissions must decarbonise significantly by 2030. A bold global effort is needed to accelerate the decarbonization of the world’s electricity systems to mitigate climate change and ensure access to clean and affordable electricity for all in line with UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7). Currently, governments and businesses are committing to 2040 and 2050 targets, yet the science clearly indicates that decarbonisation must occur far more rapidly, at scale and as a global collective during this critical decade. 


The Sustainable Energy Commitment Certification has been developed to contribute to and align with, a global network of businesses and communities that embrace, rather than compete with, energy transition and hence create valuable assets that will accelerate the shift to a lower cost and reliable sustainable energy future. The certification is guided by the United Nations 24/7 CFE 5 Principles and will support the connection between technical energy transition challenges and the alignment with broader sustainability standards such as the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and other relevant international jurisdictional frameworks and regulatory guidance.

The vision for the Sustainable Energy Commitment is a comprehensible standardised pathway for any organisation anywhere in the world to follow and become a Sustainable Energy prosumer and, in turn, underpin the transition to a world where affordable and decentralised sustainable energy is accessible to all. By acting as prosumers, organisations are able to position energy as an intangible asset rather than a liability, not only unlocking internal advantages but also acting as key initiators towards this new energy market.

We have identified two fundamental building blocks for Sustainable Energy prosumers to govern and drive progress at both an individual organisational level and more broadly at an energy system level. These are referred to as the Sustainable Energy Pillars.

  • Resilience: Organisations that have the capability to adjust and thrive in an evolving and complex energy market and have developed the governing foundations and systems to be able to manage energy as a sustainable intangible asset
  • Impact: Organisations operating all energy-related activities every hour, every day and intern are maximising the benefits of managing energy as a sustainable intangible asset

The Sustainable Energy Commitment Certification is underpinned by 9 ESG categories and 20 sub-categories of criteria. The Sustainable Energy Commitment has been designed to support the planning, implementation and stewardship of the most optimal path to Sustainable Energy including verification of progress at any point in time.

Organisational commitment to the Sustainable Energy Commitment is governed by the following 9 key areas:

  1. Policy, Strategy and Targets
  2. Organisational Capability
  3. Tools and Measurement
  4. Baseline Energy Data
  5. Smart Energy
  6. 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy
  7. Circular Energy Economy
  8. Inclusion and Leadership
  9. Sustainability

Within the Sustainable Energy Commitment framework, typical solutions like carbon offsets, credits, and other similar initiatives are only acceptable as a final means of carbon abatement (ie. reducing residual emissions that cannot otherwise be eliminated with current technology). The carbon market cannot be relied on to deliver climate change targets, and there is insufficient land on Earth to offset all emissions currently being generated. Issues on additionality, permanence and measurability are also difficult to assess. These initiatives can act as a distraction from meaningful solutions and real climate action. Instead, leading organisations should focus on reducing absolute emissions rather than simply relying on offsets and credits (and potentially risking reputational harm), as that approach ensures tangible and sustained outcomes.


Take the first step towards joining the movement. Book an Energy Transition Health Check Consultation for your business.